Saturday, February 28, 2015

Speeding Bullets Episode 99: VagueCasting

The boys are full of shenanigans this week as the anticipation rises for the big 100th episode. We share our thoughts and feelings about the loss of Leonard Nimoy and have a ton of great questions!

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Speeding Bullets Episode 98:I Was Supposed To Name This Something

Tupper somehow made his way back home to rejoin the gang this week. Lots of geeky TV talk and the boys share their thoughts about the first Aquaman image. Richie gets so dark that he breaks himself.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Speeding Bullets Episode 97:Tupper Can't Plan a Trip

This week the boys talk about the big Marvel/Sony deal, lots of great geek TV and we find out Tupper can't plan a trip. Geoff and Reddie also weird out Richie.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Speeding Bullets Episode 96: Terminathair

The boys talk a little about the Awesome Adventure Academy, share their favourite geeky news and this week's Internet Quetions song is bad. I mean really bad. Not bad in the good way either.